

Javelin Throwers & Coaches

Learn how to throw javelin with proper technical training and protocols as we take you deep inside Javelin Throwing! 


Our javelin throwing site is dedicated to logging technical javelin throw training we’ve done over the years. My coach Trevor B., being originally from New Zealand did a great deal of throwing with Mick Hill, Steve Backley, Seppo Raty, Gavin Lovegrove and Jan Zelezny as they ventured down to Australia and New Zealand during the European off season. Much learning took place over almost 8 years and many lifelong friendships were fostered. This site is dedicated to preserving what Trevor learned and has passed down to the athletes we’ve coached together.

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One of my favourite videos from Trevor. Can you turn into the position he gets into with your arm back instead of letting it creep in?

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Understanding How to Throw javelin (Elite Levels)

The Challenge with Javelin Throwing

90% or higher of the technical information on javelin throwing is fine for arm throwing. European throwers and other throwers from around the world that have found elite technique are using something different.

It appears the limitations of arm throwing on the men’s side are around 80m. With some advanced technique from the body, we can sneak this number up to 82 m. The question is whether it holds as well as the European style of javelin throwing.

Most elite throwers can hang around at the high levels with effortless power with good technique. They are applying force on the vertical plane as well as the horizontal plane.  Some have been “lucky” in discovering proper technique and others find it and lose it. Top throwers like Zelezny have seemingly had it pretty much from a very early age and maintained it throughout their career.

I was fortunate enough to be trained by a coach who threw with some of these throwers. His training videos are in the member’s section of the site. I feel these are somewhat precious and they’re the main reason I leave the site up.

The problem is whether you’ll be able to figure them out. I can’t make any promises as I have trained various athletes for long periods of time with the knowledge and technique on how to do it properly without being able to fully get them to achieve it every time. They’ve been extremely close and thus have become very good throwers but I’m still working on better ways to coach how to throw the javelin like top throwers.

Throwing Position

The key in javelin throwing is to properly apply force in your throw. This can be involved and if you’re not doing it properly, you may find you’re not getting good distances despite being a very powerful athlete.

  • First, you need to understand that you’re not going to throw it like a ball where the force of the arm comes around and forward from the body. There just isn’t the time to apply enough force with this technique ESPECIALLY as you go faster on the runway which closes the window for adding force to the throw.
  • Second (much harder to figure out) is that there isn’t just forward pull in a javelin throw. There is tons of upforce created by a good movement. Once you discover this, throwing becomes a pleasure and so much easier on the body. Unfortunately, most throwers will not uncover this style of throwing in their javelin careers.

Arm Position

The throwing arm should be able to sit comfortably back and somewhat bent is fine. Just like in golf, though everyone tells you to keep a straight arm, this is absolutely not necessary. Any video of Tero Pitkamaki should dis-prove the poor advice of shoving the arm back dead straight.

The throwing arm should also feel supportive to the javelin from underneath. It should feel like the arm is VERY close to the starting position for a shot put toss as this is a very powerful position. If you can find this position, you can move back from this point. Start with this position and eventually, if you can still feel the supportive position with the spear, you can slowly move the arm back bit by bit.

Ball Throwing

Ball throwing can be a great teaching tool. If you’re having trouble with the javelin, it can be an idea to add more ball throwing at the beginning of practice. This is especially true if you didn’t grow up playing a throwing sport like baseball or cricket. See the free video section and watch the first Zelezny videos and watch how the athletes are throwing the ball to understand how to throw it correctly for javelin. It’s not quite the same as baseball ball throwing.

Lighter Javelins

During season, we taper both the male and female throwers on to slightly lighter implements (700-600g for men and 500g for women). This adds speed to the arm and helps the thrower wait for the opportune time to to throw the javelin. In other words, it helps stop the athlete from rushing the throw.

Full Follow-Throughs

Many of the elite throwers have massive follow-throughs where they jump into the air or crash into the ground. The key is that they all achieve the right position and throwing movement before they end up in these amazing recovery positions after the throw. Much of the power comes from the back leg and not pushing off of it but rather staying with it and using its strength to propel the drive side up and in to the throw. If you find you’re driving your hip and waiting for something to happen, you’re not achieving a fully connected throw. You’re simply sending the hip with nothing on it. This is a common error among up and coming javelin throwers.

We address all of these issues in our member’s section. There are videos on drills to help you make better use of the powerful drive leg, understand the role of the block, create the right kind of torque from the throwing stance and so much more.

There are just over 80 videos in all discussing everything you need to know to start throwing better. If you have questions about throwing or membership, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your throwing. 


Check out some of our free javelin technique and training videos!

Throwing Analysis

Javelin Throwing Analysis is once again being offered. Get your throw analyzed with coaching assessment and more. Submit up to 4 videos for analysis. Get your throw analyzed today!

This was one of the more exciting throwing analysis videos we did. Every now and then you get a thrower with world class technique at a very young age. Enjoy!


Members Section

Check out our online memberships for javelin coaching and training. I’ve gathered some of the best info from my coach and Gavin Lovegrove who both threw with many top throwers. If you like javelin throwing, this is definitely for you!