Last Updated on October 28, 2020 by admin

Avoiding Hip Drive Flare in A Javelin Throw

This is a fairly straightforward situation that can get the best of us when we’re throwing.

Basically what happens is we press our hip and thigh out to the throwing side to create more power. Unfortunately, this stops our natural hip rotation and creates a hip slide. When we shut down a big joint like the hip, this cause us to crash and lose energy in the throw.

Any time you press the hip, you are subtlety breaking the motion you began with.

Let’s look at the pictures.

In pic 1,

In the first picture, the thrower looks set to begin their hip drive. Some throwers may mentally think to follow the red arrow and press their hip as hard as possible out to the side causing the hip to flare or bow out to the right to create more power. This isn’t a poor technique, it’s just not as effective as letting your body unfold properly.

In picture 2,

In pic 2, you can see the hip is continuing to rotate, didn’t flare and is now progressing down the target line of both the body and the throw. This is good as we want energy to stay on frame and not leak out early. Try to follow this line of attack shown by the green arrow in future and avoid the flare for better throws.
